HVAC Q & A | HVAC Burlington, NC
Below are the 10 questions our HVAC Burlington, NC professionals receive every day. If you have ever called a HVAC technician in Burlington, NC, then chances are you have asked the questions, too. In the event of a HVAC breakdown this Winter, please call or complete our online request form for a FREE ESTIMATE. Otherwise, keep reading for the top HVAC FAQ in the HVAC industry.
Ask Your HVAC Burlington, NC professional…
1. Can you provide proof that your company is insured?
Of course we can. Our State License Number is: H-3 and H-2: 14142 and for
Refrigeration: 3285.
2. Are there new technologies I should consider?
Any unit with an Energy Star rating like a Honeywell or Trane is bound to suffice. We service and install these HVAC units in Burlington, NC.
3. Is my HVAC system energy efficient?
It sure is! To be sure, make sure its parts are working properly with HVAC Burlington, NC service from Barber Heating & Air.
4. What brands do you offer?
We install and service top brands like Trane and Honeywell, and Air Ease.
5. Do you handle all of the necessary permits?
It is required that we do, so yes.
6. What guarantee does your company make on the installation?
We guarantee you will receive a FREE ESTIMATE for your HVAC Burlington, NC inquiry when you contact us.
7. What are the payment terms?
Well, it depends on your service agreement.
8. What is the timetable for the installation?
Our request line is open 24/7. We respond next day or ASAP.
9. Can the current installed ductwork be used?
We will work with the HVAC system you have in place if we can.
10. What size or capacity system do I need?
We will be sure to let you know when you call us today.
Do you have questions that did not make our list?
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