3 Ways to Prevent Allergies
Summer is in full swing and as HVAC technicians and as those around Burlington, NC know— many allergy sufferers are still struggling. When it comes to allergies, pollen isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. Allergens are carried into your home through the air, settle on the surfaces all over your home, and cause air quality to suffer. Airborne particles like pet dander, dust mites, mold, and cockroach droppings can cause coughing, sneezing, red eyes, itchy throats, and runny noses.
You can actually prevent that with a little bit of HVAC maintenance. Here are 3 ways to prevent allergies from wreaking havoc on your home this Summer.
1. Clean Around Your HVAC Units
Outdoor HVAC units pull air from outside through your system, and the air eventually circulates throughout your home. Make sure to check for dust and debris, and clear it away from the unit as often as you possibly can to keep the allergens from being pulled into your Burlington, NC home. In addition, don’t forget about the indoor unit—like the outdoor unit, if there is dust and debris collected around the indoor unit, it will eventually circulate through your home. Sweep, vacuum, and dust the area around the indoor unit as often as you can to reduce excess allergens in your home.
2. Make Sure to Dust Consistently
While most people do dust their homes at least once weekly, many neglect their registers and return vents. These vents circulate all the air from the HVAC system, so if they get dusty, so will your home. Tackle these first in every room, using a damp or treated rag when dusting your home to keep from kicking up dust mites and other dust particles that can cause allergy problems.
3. Get Some Maintenance
If you find yourself sniffling and sneezing, now is a great time to schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment for your Burlington, NC home. Preventative maintenance can both keep your system healthy and help reduce indoor allergens.
If you’re interested in getting your spring tune-up, don’t hesitate to contact us at Barber Heating and Cooling. As your local heating and air conditioning contractor, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality and most dependable servicing. All of our HVAC technicians are reliable, efficient, and are dedicated to saving you money and keeping your home comfortable all year-long. Request a quote today to get started.
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