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3 Reasons to Get Your Ducts Cleaned

2018 is here and one the best ways to start your year is to make sure your HVAC unit’s ducts in Burlington, NC are clean. Whether that means getting rid of debris from the ducts or simply changing the filter, having a clean duct can improve your home’s overall air quality. With that in mind, here are 3 reasons you should clean your ducts this January.

1. Eliminate Smoke

Whether it’s from your neighbors, yourself, or even tenants before you, it’s easy for the chemicals from smoking to linger in your air ducts. That means the chemicals that smokers breathe in could be circulating throughout your home. With an air duct cleaning and filter change, you can get rid of the lingering effects of smoke and improve your air quality.

2. Get Rid of Pet Hair

As much as we love our pets, no one wants to breathe in more pet hair and dander and hair than they absolutely have to. As bad as pollen can be outside in the spring, you want your home to be somewhere you can breathe easy. By changing your air filters, you can have fun with your pets and be able to breathe easy.

3. Eradicate Dust

As much as you can try to dust the house, if your air ducts aren’t clean, you’re going to see lots of it. That is because if you need to change your filter, your HVAC may be blowing dust from all around your Burlington, NC house right back into your space. Luckily, with a little help from our technicians that can be easily fixed.

Need More HVAC Help in Burlington, NC?

Barber Heating and Air offers 24 hour service 7 days a week with someone always on call ready to serve you. Our promise is that you never talk to an answering machine you always talk to a person. We currently have three service tech’s and each of them have a degree in heating and air received from Alamance Community College (ACC). We also have a million dollars worth of liability insurance in case an accident were to occur on the job site. 

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For fast, reliable service call Barber Heating & Air at (336) 226-6959.

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