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Your AC Stopped Blowing Cold Air, Now What?

Your AC Stopped Blowing Cold Air, Now What?

Few things are as annoying as your AC refusing to blow cold air on a hot summer day. ACs are complex machines, so when you have a problem, it can be difficult to identify the main cause. Running your AC when it won’t blow cold air can cause other damages so it’s in your best interest to get it fixed as quickly as possible. The team at Barber Heating & Air is here to discuss some common reasons why your AC stopped blowing cold air and what you can do to fix it.

Why Your AC Is Not Blowing Cold Air and What to Do About It

Below are some of the most common reasons why your air conditioner is not blowing cold air and what you can do about it. 

Low Refrigerant Levels

A lack of cold air could be explained by low refrigerant levels. Your AC’s refrigerant is in a closed system, so the only reason it would get low is if you have a leak in your system. Without refrigerant, your AC cannot create hot air, and strain on your system increases. 

Most of the time, manufacturers add dyes and scents to coolant fluid so you can detect when there is a leak. You will need to call an expert to top off your coolant levels and repair any leaks in your coolant lines. 

Clogged Filters

Your air handles contain an air filter that captures dust and debris coming from your AC and furnace. Clogged furnaces can restrict airflow and even cut it off entirely in severe cases. Clogged air filters can also collect moisture, grow mold, or cause the system to overheat. 

Fortunately, changing filters is an easy job you can perform on your own without a professional. We recommend changing your AC filter at least once every six months to keep your system at optimal airflow. 

Coil Damages

Your AC relies on the evaporator and condenser coils to extract heat and create cool air so one reason your AC stopped blowing cold air could be a damaged evaporator coil or condenser unit. Evaporator coils have small fins on the sides that can easily become damaged. Also, coils can become clogged with dust and dirt so they cannot do their job properly anymore. 

Thermostat Malfunction

One final reason why your AC isn’t blowing cold air is because of a broken thermostat. Thermostats are the brain of your system and sense ambient temperatures to tell your AC fan motor when to turn on or off. If your AC doesn’t blow cold air, it could be that it’s not receiving the right signal from your thermostat settings. The temperature sensor on your thermostat might also be dirty. 

AC Repair and Maintenance in Central North Carolina

Barber Heating & Air has over 35 years of experience serving homeowners in Central North Carolina with our award-winning and affordable HVAC services. If your AC stopped blowing cold air, contact us online or give us a call today at (336) 226-6959

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